Contact ICAI

Feedback, comments, ideas, or initiatives. Want to partner with us? We would love to hear from you!

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that we live, work, and make art on the Treaty 6, 7, and 8 territories of the many Indigenous and Métis nations in Alberta, as well as all the other Indigenous community members who live within these territories. We respect the land we live on, and we also acknowledge there’s unresolved history in these Treaties. We publicly commit to advancing reconciliation, and make intentional efforts toward ending systemic racism through our work in the community as we continue to celebrate and protect the diverse cultures, languages, traditions, and history that existed here before Canada.

We are dedicated to your artistic growth and creative professional development.

Become an ICAI Member!

When you become a member of ICAI, you are joining an organization that connects you to information, opportunities, resources, and programs available to you as an immigrant or newcomer and as an artist, arts administrator, creative professional, or arts and culture worker.