Downstage Workshop

Free, in-person workshop hosted by Michael Roik

  • Motel Theatre, 6-7pm, May 28 2024


For our upcoming offering, we're excited to have Michael Roik join us to host an all-levels improv class for theatre performers. If you're an emerging actor looking for some hands-on learning, or a seasoned pro looking to sharpen your skills in a guided environment, this is for you. 

Michael Roik is a Métis actor in film, television, and theatre across Canada and Europe, as well as a senior ensemble member and instructor at the world-renowned Loose Moose Theatre Company. Michael has brought life to an array of roles, from an entire troupe of Goblins in One Hit Die, to Gaston in Calgary Opera’s production of Die tote Stadt, and The Centaur in Lloyd the Conqueror. Michael's playfulness is balanced with maturity and skilled improvisation, bringing his characters to life with level-headedness, creativity, and the joy of discovery. He'll be bringing years of experience to this workshop to create a fun, supportive environment where you can engage your creativity and gain valuable performance skills. 


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