Our Board
Our volunteer Board of Directors and team are a dynamic mix of individuals from diverse communities and professional backgrounds, all united by a shared commitment to ICAI's vision of a vibrant arts community that is diverse, safe, inclusive, and accessible.
These community leaders play a pivotal role in contributing to the vibrancy and economic growth of Alberta. Our board members provide invaluable strategic direction for ICAI and are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of accountability, transparency, and sustainability.
Meet Our Dedicated Board of Directors
Dee Adekugbe, Board Chair
Antonio Machado, Vice-Chair
Sakshi Sharma, Secretary
Nupur Gupta, Treasurer
Celina Vides, Director
Bassem Hafez, Director
Bobby Yuan Yin, Director
Oluwakemi Obadero, Director
Sanja Lukac, Director
Justin Seiji Waddell, Director
Farah Kaleem, Director
Zulfira Pulotova, Director
Alex Kingcott, Director